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Fire Academy Rules and Regulations
Applications, Seminar & Grounds
Agencies requesting attendance to a seminar/program course must apply online, please email William Glassman at wglassman@sports-quotes.com. For use of exterior grounds, please email William Glassman at wglassman@sports-quotes.com. Scheduling of exterior grounds will be processed at the beginning of each semester and Firefighter training programs will have first preference on the calendar.
*NOTE: The filing of an email DOES NOT indicate the acceptance of your request, a return/confirmation email will follow within a few business days.
All agencies will be required to provide proof of Workman’s Compensation coverage Each Year for your attending personnel or agency to the Fire Academy.
*NOTE: Proof of insurance forms may be required if an injury occurs while at the academy.
Student Cancellations
Students registered/attending classes will be responsible to make contact with the Fire Academy administrative staff if they are unable to attend. Cancellations made within 48 hours of the scheduled program will result in a “No Charge” for student attendance. Those failing to cancel will result in their agency receiving an invoice in the full amount of the class from the Camden County Fire Academy.
Application Confirmation
Agencies MUST confirm their members’ attendance through the Fire Academy online process. Agencies must approve or deny their members’ training course requests. An agency that fails to approve or deny the members’ attendance will remain responsible for payment of said course enrollment.
Authority to Cancel Training Programs (Revoke Use)
The staff of the Fire Academy has the authority to cancel any agency’s use due to dangerous conditions (i.e. weather conditions, dangerous drill procedures, abusive facility use, etc).
Failure to comply with any Rules and Regulations of the Fire Academy will result in dismissal from training and training grounds.
A member of the department MUST possess an NJ Drill Ground certificate when scheduling and using the exterior training grounds.
Companies/Departments will be required to have on hand a “Lesson Plan” of the exterior evolutions, and indicate the Incident Commander, Safety Officer, and EMS personnel who will be in attendance.
Training Center Hours
All Training programs may not begin before 8 a.m. and must conclude by 10 p.m.
Each Company/Department MUST provide their own resource for re-filling SCBA bottles. Only fire academy staff is permitted to operate the academy compressor.
All personnel and equipment must be off the Complex and the Training Center by 10:30 p.m.
Dress Code and Protective Equipment (Safety)
Indoor courses: Casual, but neat clothing is permitted.
Outdoor Courses: Comfortable clothing is suggested. The clothes may become soiled by outdoor activities. No shorts, cutoffs, skirts, or dresses. Trousers and long sleeve shirts are suggested. NO open-toed footwear is allowed.
Smoking/Vaping is prohibited throughout the entire complex, as well as during class Field Evolutions. Also, NO chewing of gum or tobacco is allowed in the Academic Building.
Books, papers, or other materials on the Instructors’ desk or board are for the Instructors’ use only. Tables and Chairs are to be arranged/re-stored in the same order they were found. Agencies using classrooms will be responsible to secure all trash and debris in the dumpster located on the training grounds.
Restrooms are to be used for their intended purpose. Smoking or use of any tobacco products is prohibited in the buildings and on the grounds!
Speed Limits
Speed Limits are strictly enforced on the Health Services Complex and Training Grounds. Please observe the speed limit!
Parking of vehicles shall conform to the established parking slots indicated.
The parking area between the Academic Building and the Training Grounds is to be maintained free from trash and debris. Dispose of all trash in the proper receptacles!
Responsibility and Liability
Camden County College is responsible for the operation of the Emergency Training Facility; we do not accept any responsibility or liability for damage or loss of any equipment or apparatus used for training programs at this facility or in traveling to and from the Fire Academy campus. Camden County College does not accept responsibility or liability for any individual injured while traveling to and from the Emergency Training Center or while participating in any program that is not under the direct control of Camden County College.